Pillars of Hope

Animated Video for Wellspring Living

Creative Direction: Will Fortanbary
Art Direction: Charmaine Yu
Illustration: Charmaine Yu, Isabela Tan, Stefi Paz, Yzabelle Jose, Phil Borst
Animation & Sound: Will Fortanbary
Voiceover: E Williams

I was approached by Will to help out on the design and illustrations for a video for Wellspring Living, a nonprofit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia with a mission to “transform the lives of those at risk or victimized by sexual exploitation”, for their annual donor gala.

Jumping off from the provided script, I created the storyboard & style frames for this video, and also called on a few friends to collaborate on illustrating frames. This was then amazingly put together and brought to life through animation by Will.

The challenge of this project was to focus on creating illustrated scenes that would look good even with minimal animation, to transform the script into an inspiring visual story without being too explicit or too subtle/abstract with the imagery, and to differentiate the visual language/colors used to talk about the vulnerabilities vs. the pillars.


Style Frames