Contre La Montre

Personal Work

This illustration is a personal piece about the overwhelming pressure and limitations I associate with time. 

I’ve always felt like I was fighting against it, finding myself overwhelmed with the amount of things that I have to and want to do, but never having the hours or minutes to do them.

“Scheduling, time management, setting priorities, avoiding distractions, and then add in the pressure of staying productive and efficient. God, I hate them all. I hate the rigid structure that time enforces, the boring repetition of an endless cycle. I hate that it can only ever go in one direction, meaning I’m constantly losing or wasting time, and never really gaining it. I hate the way it can dictate my life and my actions, leaving me feeling so trapped.

I know there is another side to the coin, time is what gives things value and all that. But if I could, I would like to be able to forget the existence of time whenever I want to and all the pressure and anxiety that it gives me.”


A step-by step look of my illustration process for this piece:

  • idea & thumbnail sketch

  • developing the composition

  • sketching out details

  • blocking in colors

  • adding detail colors

  • textured shading